
Many thanks, feeling good today. Warned not to be complacent by the nurses. As a life long non smoker and given up booze as of diagnosis - just asocial drinker but not taking risks - I am told skin on neck and throat will be more resistant and quicker to heal but wont save me from side effects. Drinking 5-6 litres of water a day which helps flush the toxins out and doing all the lotions and mouth washes to help. Eating healthy and hoping to hit end three weeks before it gets bad, least that's half way through.

Life long none smoker, social drinker. Age 46
25 July positive node. Primary in left tonsil.
Neck Disection 27 Aug 20+ nodes removed, bilateral tonsillectomy.
Tonsil primary, other mouth, throat, tongue biopsies showed clear. Node breached but no evidence of spread in surrounding tissues or any other nodes.
Wisdom Teeth (all 4) removed mid Sep and Peg fitted first week Oct.
Started six weeks, 30 rads, six chemos total, chemo on Mondays and rads Mon to Fri on Oct 14th.