I am sorry your RO not being helpful (or present). My husband also saw his RO every week for a formal appointment, and told him to call or stop in if there were any concerns.

Is your MO or ENT more communicative? You might want to have a chat with one of them about your concerns - my husband's ENT was the 'lead' and he always said to come to him if there were any problems.

CG to husband - SCC Tonsil T1N2M0 HPV+ Never Smoker
First symptoms 7/2010, DX 12/2010
TX 40 IRMT (1.8 gy) + 10 Cetuximab
PET Scans 6/2011 + 3/2012 clear, 5 year physical exam clear; chest CT's clear of cancer. On thyroid pills. Life is good.