[quote=ChristineB]Maggie, sounds like you are doing fantastic! Im so happy that you have decided to go thru with being treated for OC. Its a long road but you are not on it alone. We will help you when you need info and support. Keep up eating as much as you can and drink lots of water. Here is a list of easy to eat foods that might be helpful to you.

http://oralcancersupport.org/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=94621#Post94621 [/quote]

Thanks so much for the list! Many of the items listed are those that I regularly eat, but I'm always looking for hints to diversify a rather bland diet. I often just wing it with cream soups. Bought a fresh cauliflower the other day, cooked it to death with potatoes in half-chicken broth/half water, mashed it all together, then added whole milk and enough shredded cheddar to thicken. It was absolutely yummy, and will even make that when this ordeal is over for dinner guests! Today I'm going to do the same thing, but with squash.

As ya'll can see, I haven't yet lost my appetite.