Thanks, Jim.

My intermediate goal is to be able to remove my PEG without of course sacrificing any nutritional value using this.

My breakfast is composed of muesli with additional walnuts and almonds, plus fruits (a small fuji apple, kiwi, a few grapes, banana), with a hard-boiled egg or two, blenderized in 1 cup of non-sweetened organic soy milk + 1/3 cup of yogurt juice drink + some water to make the consistency thinner. A few days ago, I tried taking in orally this concoction but the sandy/gritty consistency, no matter how blenderized it is, and the after-taste it leaves on the walls of my mouth and gums, make it a challenge. So I had to switch back to using the PEG.

For lunch in the office, I take Ensure which I obviously have no problem drinking.

Dinner is even more of a challenge than the breakfast concoction I mentioned above: vegetables (blanched broccoli, grean beans, carrots, squash, onion, garlic) with extra virgin olive oil, plus flakes of either boiled fish or chicken breast, blenderized with 2 to 3 cups of plain water.

I will have to experiment more, as you suggest, to find a better blenderized breakfast or dinner (or even lunch), consistency- and taste-wise, with adequate nutrition.

Thanks again. I'll give you folks feedback.


Diagnosed: 16Feb'09
Pre-op Dx: Tongue SCCA Stage IVB (T4N2cM0)
Opn: 2Mar'09. Total glossectomy, Neck dissection (Levels I-V), bilateral; Anterolateral, Thigh flap recon'n; Tracheostomy; PEG
Decanullation: 24Mar'09
IMRT x30, concurrent with chemo (cisplatin) x3: May-Jun '09
PEG out: 23Oct'09