These posts certainly make for interesting reading! I imagine there are some other factors involved but irritating teeth is the most logical proposal I have heard yet.

BTW the HBO treatment is going great. After 20 sessions the ulcer on my tongue is slowly starting to heal, pain is lessening (ulcer was aggravating nerves in tongue) and scars on neck are getting softer. Also I believe the cells in my brain are being rejuvenated as I actually managed to complete a soduko puzzle today. Don't laugh, its the first one I have finished in three weeks! However I am still waiting for the beautiful freckle free complexion (I am sure I heard somewhere that oxygen is the latest beauty treatment). I will keep you posted.... ;-)

SCC of the left lateral border of the tongue.Partial glossectomy multiple nodes removed 01/06, T2/N0/M0.1 week Brachytherapy 04/06.Modified Neck dissection 1 node 06/06,negative. New ulcer 11/06,non cancerous, HBO treatment 01/07 to 03/07. 2007-2008 had speech therapy and voice training.OK now!