I to was recently diagnosed and do not fit the "normal" profile , I am 35 never smoked , some what of a social drinker ( very infrequent) , never had braces or even a tooth that rub that area . My lesion was on the left side of my tongue. I am going to ask Mon when I see specialist about HPV, I am some what familar with HPV due to working in a female clinic, however all my Pap smears have been normal and I do want the test for HPV 16. Interesting to hear they are saying a rise though, I mean maybe they will find another reason so people can take more precaution. My mother in law thinks maybe becasue I have Tattoos or I had my belly button pierced dont know if any of those would have any effect, I personally dont think so , but I am not a dr

35 year old Female Non smoker, very occasional alcohol ..Scc T1N0M0,partial glossectomy and left neck disection ,2/9/07 No rad deemed ness. 4/16 tonsillectomy ..Trimengenial Neuralga due to surgery