It is strange Amy. I was fine last night with the patch - it's only .25 and I had the patch before while I was having chemo and before surgery. I doubt that I have eaten any pistachios. I took two separate doses of the antibiotics (amoxxicillin) last night with my tube feeding (one early and one right before bed) and the Hydrochodone after taking it and the Xanax all day while I got the appointments over with. This morning I blamed the antibiotic and not having enough in my stomach. So I waited an hour and tried it again and seemed to be OK. But if I get up and move about I get sick.

My second feeding did not last. So now my plan is to not do any more Hydrochodone and try to get another can of food in before trying my antibiotics again. I am having break through pain but I will live with it if I can stop throwing up. I felt really good this morning when I got up. Very little pain, the swelling was going down and it has been a down hill kind of day.

I will call the doctor again in the morning if it doesn't straighten out or the Tele-nurse tonight if I keep throwing up. My doctor went on vacation today, but she told me she has her pager and they can get in touch with her. She may still be here in town, she is only going over to IA to visit her mom.

I'm trying to relax and lay around as much as I can, but now that I'm starting to hurt again that part is not easy either.

Thanks for the concern Amy and I will keep you posted as it gets better because it has to from here. LOL


SCC Floor of Mouth 7/06
9/06 Surgery, bilateral neck dissection, 58 nodes clear PT2pN0pMx
35 rad 2006
Recurred 6/08, 1 Carboplatin, 1 Cisplatin
Surgery 9/08 - Total glossectomy, free flap from pectoral muscle, left mandible replaced using fibula
35 IMRT & Erbitux 11/08
4/15/09 recurrence
6/1/09 passed away, rest in peace