This site is amazing.Just what I've been looking for. I have Mucoepidermoid CA of the Submandibular Gland. I have had surgery for tumor removal and now after being presented at Tumor Board I am facing another bigger surgery. Lymph nodes, gland, lingual nerve, poss more nerve, scrape jawbone and thin section of mouth floor. The rt half of tongue will be paralyzed. I've been trying to find out how much
my speech, chewing, swallowing will be affected. I've read the all the posts pertaining to my type of cancer. My rt vocal cord is paralyzed from neck surgery. I have RA and take immunesupressants. I can't function without them. Any help dealing with half tongue paralyzed would be wonderful.

Last edited by Sweetpea; 03-19-2009 05:34 PM.

2/09 MEC Rt Submandibular Gland,Tumor Exc,age 68; 4/09 Rt Neck Resect, Excise Rt Lingual Nerve, 10 nodes; 1 month later- Lge Abscess Drained 5/09; 4 more cancers, final path report; 6/09 IMRTx33