Good facts Kate. I too have had trouble explaining to people that I can taste some of my foods. Some things do lose their taste after a few bites and things can be different from day to day also. I have started to spend more time smelling the foods prior to eating and it does seem to help.

Of course right now I am not taking in a lot of foods with the constricting swallow. I look forward to being able to move forward and try some of the recipes that I have now for foods that do not have to be chewed. I am going to try to make it fun to experiment, although I would feel a lot more comfortable if someone was here. I may have to start seeing if a friend will stay on IM with me while I am here trying foods just in case. LOL


SCC Floor of Mouth 7/06
9/06 Surgery, bilateral neck dissection, 58 nodes clear PT2pN0pMx
35 rad 2006
Recurred 6/08, 1 Carboplatin, 1 Cisplatin
Surgery 9/08 - Total glossectomy, free flap from pectoral muscle, left mandible replaced using fibula
35 IMRT & Erbitux 11/08
4/15/09 recurrence
6/1/09 passed away, rest in peace