Hey David,

Now I am not a doctor and I don�t want to present my opinion as factual ever, I have learned a lot of things from this community, and I would like to pass the research and assumptions I have along on this subject. Remember that I am obsessed with spit?

Xerostomics, or people with low or no saliva production will have many problems. �Normals� produce 2 � 5 ml of saliva per minute while eating. I would think that I am only producing 30 ml a day at this point without drugs. The chemical reactions of saliva starting the digestion process are reduced or missing.

We lack the ability to dissolve starches and other foods as well as suffer reduced mucosa in the mouth, and we tend to have a mouth PH that is more acid. So we also are subject to easy damage to our taste buds. I notice that if I dry out at night all bets are off for a few days as far as food is concerned.

I have the same problem with food taste changing after a bite or three and I have to blame that on �running out of spit�. The primary reason that I am working so hard to make the best recovery possible in saliva production is that I WAS famous for my cooking locally. Mostly �Cookie� stuff over slow fires, breads and meats that challenged any 5 star establishments.

While I can still do the basics, I can�t taste what I am doing and no longer able to throw stuff together at random. That is very limiting in the wilderness. This being a part of my life I really do want back, I have not accepted the normal answers and have started the �quest for spit�.

My Radiation Oncologist is very understanding as well as liberal and agrees with my attempts to exercise the one sputtering gland that I have. The improvements are fabulous; however I think I can forget normal breads.

As I tinker I have come up with an edible honey corn bread using the normal mix, extra honey and a bit more milk. Cover the pan and cooking it without browning, leave the aluminum foil on and let it steam till it cools. This softens the corn meal, leaves it moister so you don�t need as much saliva to start breaking some of the starches down and enjoy the flavor. It takes the �normals� a bite or two to decide that it�s ok since it is white and does not have the grainy texture they expect.

Hydrate, like for a hot date! Nothing will stop a meal as fast for me as dry glands and you may want to discuss the �eye drops� idea with your doctor. It does work for me as a jump starter before a meal when needed; however that is a delivery method that should not be taken lightly for that drug.

Eat, Drink, be merry and dance on the tables!


ENT conjectures before, no PET approved by HMO. Metastasis 11/06. CT 2/07: mass RT sub-mandibular gland. 7 CM mass/tonsil, base of tongue removed, biopsies 2/07 and 3/07. Vein lost, RT face numb. PET scan: spot in chest, un-investigated. Oral surgery 4/07. 3X Cisplatin and 32X IMRT from 4/07-5/07.