Hi Tom, I'm an Oral Balance user, also. It took me awhile to get to it however. I always kept a big glass of ice water on the night stand. I'd wake up periodically for a drink. Now, I can finally sleep through the night without a drink and the "aging" ritual of waking up early in the am to use the bathroom has begun. Nice, LOL

DX 6/05 Rt Tonsil SSC advanced to lymph node. Stage 4b. RND, took tonsils, strips off the back of tongue, throat and nose. 19 lymph nodes removed only 1 bad. Once healed, 7 weeks of treatment including 35 IMRT, 7 Cisplatin, 7 Erbitux and 35 nasty Amophostine. Almost 11 yrs out now. Woooo Hoooo!