Hello all. My wife introduced me to this forum this morning, so I thought I'd say "hi".

I have a T2N2bM0 SCCHN at the base of the right side of the tongue and have undergone surgery, where they ripped out 33 lymph nodes. Three had cancer and one of the three had exceeded the boundary. I started radiation and chemo on the 30th of December and am officially half way through!

I have the pump feeding me already and am working my way up to 5 cans a day by tomorrow. Officially, my voice is now pretty much shot, as talking is difficult. We're going to go buy a magic erase board later today.

So. I assume the throat is just going down hill from here (less the weekends off), so that means it will get progessively worse? So - sleeping is a bit of a challenge for me. Any suggestions (considering half the night the pump is going and I have to lay at an incline)? How about the best way to manage the pain and have a somewhat wet mouth?

Lastly, I do chemo every week at half the dosage, which is working out quite well. The doctors say less chemo more often works best for what I have.

Anyway, 18 TomoTherapies down, 17 to go!

Last edited by TomHD; 01-24-2009 01:36 PM.

51 years Old. Non smoker. Light wine (well in a few more months). T2N2bM0 SCCHN Base of Tongue. Ripped 33 Lymph Nodes via surgery. 35 TomoTherapies Total, 1 Chemo each week. Cysplatin. Last treatment 2/18/09.