5 cans of 500 calorie 250ml Vanilla Nutren 2.0. I'm supposed to go to 6 cans, but my stomach apparently can't quite take that much. Sent me to the emergency room the other day when I put 3 60cc flushings down my tube. No idea why other than Vagus Nerve pressure or some other such thing.

Water? That's my bad area. I try to do 24 - 32 OZ in addition to the flushings.

51 years Old. Non smoker. Light wine (well in a few more months). T2N2bM0 SCCHN Base of Tongue. Ripped 33 Lymph Nodes via surgery. 35 TomoTherapies Total, 1 Chemo each week. Cysplatin. Last treatment 2/18/09.