Welcome to the forum. I can't help with the pump as I just had a peg, but for the dry mouth try Biotene mouthwash and then some Biotene or Orajel moistening gel just before bed. You may still wake up several times needing to reapply the gel but it definately has helped me.

David R. 65 yr old male non-smoker, light drinker, stage 3 or 4, depending on which doc you ask, scc rt. tonsil, 2 nodes, 7 weeks radiation and chemo. No surgery. Teatment ended 3/20/08. PET scan 8/08 showed no cancer.
And now, as of oct, 2010, caregiver to wife, Linda, with breast cancer.
May, 2013, Linda diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. Enuf already.