Hi gnelson - Don't know if my husband's case will shed any light on your question, but he has also had several "lesions" removed surgically over the past 7 years. He JUST left his oncologist's a few minutes ago (regular check-up), called to say the doctor said his mouth looks better than he's seen it in a long time, so we are hoping that that news will continue. He was also told at Shands in Gainesville the lesions were probably not related to each other - all small and well differentiated, clean margins, so all he ever had was surgical removal, no rads or chemo. Because of the recurrences, we thought too, he was "prone" or inclined to get these SCCs. His ENT at Shands is also puzzled by my husband's case, and is bound and determined to find some reasoning or at least, a way to stop the SCC lesions. He never smoked (ever) or drank much, plus negative for HPV, but he does have some lichen planus and leukoplakia in his mouth. He recently had laser treatment in his oral cavity to rid his mouth of a lot of the lichen planus, etc. and that seems to have healed nicely. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us!
Warmly, JaneP

Husband: 3 SCC gum and cheek cancers 2002, 2005, 2006: surgery only. Scans clear after removal of small, well differentiated, non-invasive cancers. No radiation. 4th SCC lip diagnosed 4/13/07 - in situ, removed in biopsy. More lip removed 2/8/08 - dysplasia. 2 Biopsies 3/17/09 no cancer (lichenoids)