Hi, I am a stage 4 cancer survivor since 2000, 13 surgeries to rebuilt my mouth and face.This year I had a growth on my tongue which was cancer, surgery removed it, it was very small.Three months later I had a second one.I was in front of a tumor board and in the operating room two days later. All margins clean on both.My Doctor keeps saying 3 different tumors not connected. He is puzzled, says my case is odd.I have been clean for 6 months. I hate to go back to this game of worry again. I am tired and numb. I think he is thinking I am inclined to get tumors and can see a future of them.??? I was clean 8 1/2 years I see my Ent because of a metal bar that replaced my jaw bone that tends to get a infection in it. I was in for this when he spotted the growth. I knew there was something there, but the second on I would have never seen. Do not hesitate to see a Doctor for anything small and keep regular check ups with ENT. Anyone out there that has had 3 different tumors?

gnelson, StageIV, cancer free since Nov.9,2000