Pete sorry that you lost one of your little friends.

What made you want to have rats for pets??

Are you using a machine for your feeding tube feedings or doing them with the gravity method?? I think that the machine would be useful because I could try yo go all day without stopping to eat.

By the way you are silly about the bath tub grin - I really did not know not to cover the tube up until I read it here on one of the blogs. I guess swimming is out too. One of the biggest problems that I had with my tube when I first got it was that it would come open and I would get soaked with whatever while I was out trying to get something done or on my way to the doctor or something. Now most of my spills are at home when the big syringe comes out or something.


Last edited by Good1; 01-10-2009 09:46 PM. Reason: had a thought

SCC Floor of Mouth 7/06
9/06 Surgery, bilateral neck dissection, 58 nodes clear PT2pN0pMx
35 rad 2006
Recurred 6/08, 1 Carboplatin, 1 Cisplatin
Surgery 9/08 - Total glossectomy, free flap from pectoral muscle, left mandible replaced using fibula
35 IMRT & Erbitux 11/08
4/15/09 recurrence
6/1/09 passed away, rest in peace