ask the nurses where you get care (where you got the tube). They gave me a special belt thing it hooked into and made it easy and they also gave me a script for a special one i could get and insurance would cover. There are other ways of mickey mousing it to work as well - but I like having things specially made for what I am dealing with, so i am not having to fiddle with stuff LOL ... but these helped me a lot - hope it works for you... the tape makes the skin sore after awhile.

btw: i too got an infection and had to take strong meds for it ... it always had a bit of drainage I had to deal with, which made it where I liked using gauze around it - but it wasn't bad and they said it was quite normal ... so if it continues a bit even after infection is gone, don't be alarmed.

Rita - Age 44
wife, mother of 4 - ages 3,16,21,24 & grandma to 1
(R upper) Maxillectomy 8/8/08 - UW / Seattle, WA.


"Those who think by the inch and speak by the yard, should be kicked by the foot."