even with the flu shot, a new study shows it is ineffective for most seniors over 70 and that is who they advertise to the most...

i am not anti shot for the most part dont get me wrong but i am not for every one they push just because they push it

i just wish i would have investigated on my own about gardasil before i told my daughter to get it ... but too late now - just hope the effects she has had are not long term

when my daughter had problems with it and we went to report it they would not even accept the report - said it was not one of the listed side effects of the drug ... yet a forum like this one showed tons of gals saying the same things happened to them after having the shot and they were looking for answers too ...

anyways i am just saying look into things before choosing them - i am not saying dont do it - that is up to each to decide ...

$366 per shot is the price of gardasil and you have to get three of them. it is reported to be more expensive than all childhood immunizations put together.

- and when i said 18 deaths i just noted on cdc.gov there have been 27 reports now ... but they dismiss them for the most part being excused for other reasons ... because there wasn't a common pattern ... except all had had the shot ...

while my thoughts may not be well documented in these postings due to not wanting to make a dauntingly long post on something off topic, i was merely meaning to make a mention of it to david because of his mention of the shot ...... my thoughts on the matter are nor sparse or scatterbrained because i did a lot of investigating into it when my daughter had the problems she did because it got downright scary. my sources were not internet scare sites they were real people having real problems, and medical field documented cases and TV and Newspaper reports.

anyways - not wanting to make waves - and like i said, it is up to each to decide for themself, far beit from me to tell anyone what to do or not do ... i was simply sharing what i had learned after telling my daughter i thought it was a good idea.

one more point so we have correct info - there are 15 high risk forms of the HPV virus which can cause cancer... 16, 18, 31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59,68,73 & 82. and then another 15 of them are possibly related to cancer.... but 16 18 and 31 are the only ones most people hear of...

*see wikpedia*

Last edited by azcallin; 12-08-2008 01:33 AM.

Rita - Age 44
wife, mother of 4 - ages 3,16,21,24 & grandma to 1
(R upper) Maxillectomy 8/8/08 - UW / Seattle, WA.


"Those who think by the inch and speak by the yard, should be kicked by the foot."