Charm, Thank you for your reply. I have been taken off the cisplatin after 5 weeks of treatment (once weekly with rad daily). I am still however concerned with the Erbitux they are wanting to give me. The cisplatin didn't bother me until the 4th week in but then it knocked me for a loop. I was hospitalized twice. I am so afraid to take the Erbitux because I don't know if my body can take any more. Angel

David, I did not get the Dr. to agree to check for the HPV connection. He was totally against it. I however did try my best but with no results. Thanks, Angel

Ray, Yes, I am making up the days I lost during my hospital stay. Thanks, Angel

William, That was one of the last reasons I was hospitalized (other than malnutrician and dehydration) was to get a peg tube but they couldn't get my WBC count up enough to do it. I am working real hard to try to force feed myself with ensure, grape juice, V-8, and oatmeal or anything soft like that I can get down. Thanks for your response. Angel

SCC left tonsil, tonsillectomy with additional tissue removed 06/10/08, a few teeth on top left side removed 09/05/08,recurrence before treatment started at BOT and tonsil area, 35 IMRT treatments began 10/15/08, and Cisplatin IV (began10/16/08) weekly for duration of radiation.