
Where we all have to battle the cancer, it seems to me that your Mom has chosen instead to battle the fact that she has it. She may admit outwardly that she has cancer, but I think that maybe she's refusing to "give in" to it - refusing to acknowledge it. The alcohol helps her to "forget" or "not care" and stay in this complete state of denial, or maybe better said, refusal.

I think that it's imperative that somehow someone get your Mom to change the target of her battle to the cancer itself rather than the fact that she has it. I also think that it's not something easily done. You probably need to get her professional help if that's possible. I don't know if the doctors or the social workers would be the best bet. I think I'd try them both. If they don't know, they might know who else you can turn to.

I send you all my best. I know this is hard. I didn't see if you've said - may I ask how old she is?


SCC part glossectomy 3/06, recur 8/06 glossectomy, floor of mouth, part of jaw removed, RT/chemo thru 10/12/06, PET clear 7/08
"A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn"
Passed away 12/14/08