Hi Everyone,

Thank you all for the uplifting words and support.
I feel I made it sound like Hubby is a lump on a log here. He's not. This is definitly a team effort and Hubby helps a lot with his care and the house work too. He sleeps in the other room hoping that his up and down routine thru the night won't disturb me. ~grin~ I'm on hyper listen mode and alltho I don't get up when I hear him (it's hard not to! I listen carefully to make sure he's ok) I'm fully aware of when he's up and when he's sleeping. It's all I can do to stay in bed and not check on him. But if I did then he'd feel bad that he woke me.
I do take time for me. But even tho it is a nice change it's still time spent and there is so little time during day light hours to get things done. I don't wander far when he's in chemo. He dosen't tolerate the Chemo well and I don't want to be far if/when he does react so I can be there for him. Seeing my face helps him to know it's gonna be ok. On the brighter side!!! Only two more chemos to go!! WooooHoooo...
We talk a lot about what we're going to do when he's better. We've made plans and are trying to save so we can take a recoupe vacation after all his treatment is done.
And we laugh a lot! there's always a lite side to things. Just yesterday on the way home from treatment he had a cup of ice water with no lid that he was trying to sip and the road was bumpy. He decided to dump the water out of the window. ~ROFLOL~ well I think y'all know what happened? It came right back in his ear and all over the inside of the car. He looked at me with a real peeved look and I just started laughing, he couldn't help but join in, it was such a "Blonde" thing to do!
I knew this would be hard and prepard as much as I could for it. I take my vitamins, take power walks around the hospital during radiation and I always fit my nail day in twice a month. You guys out there really should try a pedicure!! They're great.
Even with all this and preparing mentally as best I could I just didn't expect the mind numbing fatigue. I just wanted to put that out there. I hadn't seen any other CG's express this and wanted them to know if they were feeling the same as me they wern't alone.
Thank you for all your kind words and I've decided I'm gonna fit in a "hair day" this month too! A woman always feels much better after getting her hair done.


Ija wife-husband 47y healthy nonsmoker,nvr chewed.Dx SCC 01/05 primary left anterior toungue w/2 surgeries 02/05 no rad/chemo recurrence 12/07 no rad/chemo. 07/08/08 modified lt radical neck disection 3 nodes removed 2 pos SCC. TX 090808 taxol & carboplatinx7 radx37 w/ethyol.