First, I want to congratulate you for going through this very hard situation--it was very painful and you did a great thing...This court case alone brought a great deal of awareness to many people about the dangers of OC.
Correct me if I'm wrong--the judging panel was looking at the case not as if the Dentist contributed to Robins death but that if the the Dentist is a danger to the community. And after it was all said and done the panel decided that the Dentist is not a danger to future patients or the community. Because of the Dentists horrible negligence or ignorance on Robin; in-other-words, the Dentist HAD learned from his mistake. And obviously something like this would never happen again in his the panel sees it. Am I understanding this case correctly? If this is true, then obviously the court panel agrees with you that he is guilty in contributing to Robins death. Are there any other actions that you can take? Can you appeal? Does the UK have a civil court? Can you sue the Dentist directly? Here in the United States, Prosecutor's can loose a case in criminal court but then family members of the victim can win in civil court...A great example would be the O.J. Simpson murder trial. Long story short, O.J. won in the criminal court but lost 33 million dollars in the civil court.
I am very sorry for your loss. I understand your situation a little. My family Doctor blew off my concerns back in December 2007. Basically told me to stop using Listerine and spicy foods. Dentist said the same thing. Doctor was like you're never sick, you don't drink heavily, you don't smoke, you're too don't fit the OC's not cancer. Even after I said, "Doc, I'm afraid I have grandmother had tongue cancer." But, since she was 80 that doesn't matter, according to my Doctor. Then in May 2008 the tumor exploded in size. Now I'm sitting here with half a tongue and numbness from a neck dissection waiting for radiation to start. Am I mad at the Doctor(s)...YES, because I trusted their professionalism and expertise. My Aunt and Uncle want me to sue, my girlfriend wants me to sue...I'm not going to sue because I am more mad at myself for not getting a third, forth, or fifth opinion...I should have but did not do it. My mistake. I trusted their words..."Ray it's NOT cancer..." Now, since this has happened...I have found out that my grandmother had OC, her nephew's Albert and Tom had OC, and that her grandson, Raymond (me) has OC, three generations of the same family. Tom died from it, he was in his 40's. I'm sure if I knew all of this back in December and I had told the Doctor about my other could have been different. My grandmother forgot to tell me...she's in her 90's...and no one else brought it up...not until I was diagnosed July 16, 2008. I feel positive my Doctor would not make this mistake again...on anyone. He has called me a few times and we talked about it. He's a good guy...been my Doctor since 1974.
What ever path you take...I hope you find closure soon. My thoughts and prayers are with you...good luck.