Thanks everyone
I just got a call from David to say he is in hospital and cant come with me ,so as is my "new normal"i must do this alone.
But as i explained to my elderly mother last night when she got upset,i am not alone am i?I have Robins spirit and your support with me in my heart,and i know it will make me as strong as i need to be.I need to do this for all of you who are doing the very best you can with the hand you have been dealt.
I will have my laptop with me on the train and in the hotel so i will look forward to keeping in touch,and i will be home tomorrow night.I have been told i can sit in the court after i have given my evidence,which i will do until its time to get my train back in the late afternoon.
Bob - i am honoured to have received your marine blessing,this is one war i intend to win!!!
all my love to each and every one of you,and my prayers for our friends in New Orleans
Last edited by Cookey; 08-31-2008 09:07 PM.