This link shows the contact page and the editors details.

The only person from either forum to be successful getting her comment published was Angela from Congleton in cheshire who is a member of the Mouth Cancer Foundation.I tried to comment on the ****head who asked what sort of person went to the dentist with a serious ulcer,the point of note here being Robin didnt know it was a serious ulcer,surely it was up to the dentist to tell him that and send him to a doctor.
I too am amazed at the arrogance of Dr Gibsons remarks which are supposedly based on the opinion of medical experts,and regarding the appointments in October i can see they may have some foundation,but in May i cant see how his chance of survival wouldn't have been considerably higher.
A good few on the mouth cancer foundation left comments that havent appeared,i would guess that the matter is out of their news loop now.

just a matter to note.
I havent as yet received a copy of the full determination,and it hasnt been published on the gdc site although the two cases heard this week have,so i am wondering if the lawyers have responded to my e-mail strongly airing my concerns on the bits of the statement i am aware of.They said they were taking my complaint back to the general dental council who brought the prosection in the first place,

The committee is an independant one but i was a bit shocked that 2 out of the five were lay women with no medical or dental expertise,two were dentists, one was a doctor and they had a judge on the panel to give them legal direction.As i explained last week apparently robs death was not the issue in this hearing!!!it was wether the dentist poses a threat to the public and how bad they considered his misconduct to be.

I have just checked the comments on this new link,and angela has got her comment published there as well.i wonder what she has got lol.


Pioneers in patient care: consultants leading change

Dr John Gibson
Glasgow Dental Hospital and University of Glasgow Dental School
Job title: Senior lecturer and honorary consultant in oral medicine
Specialty: Oral medicine
Innovation: Oral cancer awareness pack � �Oral Cancer Prevention and Detection�

Mouth cancer is on the increase in Scotland with about 500 new cases being seen each year. In fact the number of mouth cancer deaths in Scottish adults equals the number of deaths from cervical cancer and is higher than that of malignant melanoma. In a bid to make doctors, dentists, primary health care teams and their patients more aware of the dangers of mouth cancer Dr John Gibson, who is also a qualified dentist, and his team have put together an oral cancer awareness pack.

Dr Gibson says: �There appears to be a dearth of knowledge among doctors, dentists and patients about oral cancer even though 3,500 people in the UK are diagnosed with it every year. We needed to do more.

�Although the disease occurs mainly in men over 50 it can occur in either gender at any age and unfortunately many people who develop the disease present with symptoms very late and the prognosis is poor. If the disease is diagnosed early and treated straight away the chance of a good outcome is very high.�

The pack, launched in February earlier this year, includes a WebPage and patient information leaflets, detailed guidance and a video for health care professionals on how to prevent and detect oral cancer which includes an interview with a patient who has had the disease. It was funded jointly by University of Glasgow, the Scottish Council for Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education and the Health Education Board for Scotland and has been distributed to all GP practices, dentists and community pharmacies in Scotland.

Dr Gibson says: �We want to increase professional awareness so that patients� questions may be answered more appropriately and so that they have better access to oral cancer care services. And public awareness increases too so that patients come and see us before it is too late."

The pack�s success is being evaluated. Dr Gibson says patients have reacted well to the leaflets but the pack�s best impact so far has been with doctors and dentists.

Dr Gibson says that he is motivated by the sadness of patients � mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters � who are faced with disfiguring surgery and death as a result of late presentation. �This is a cancer that can be seen by offering patients a rapid mouth examination in the out-patient setting � no fancy or expensive equipment or patient discomfort. We can do much better.�

Last edited by Cookey; 09-10-2008 10:30 PM.

Liz in the UK

Husband Robin aged 44 years Dx 8th Dec 2006 poorly differentiated SCC tongue with met to neck T1N2cM0 Surgery and Radiation.Finished TX April 2007
Recurrence June/07 died July 29th/07.

Never take your eye off the ball, it may just smack you in the mouth.