Just as a side note, since someone asked me last week, tonsillectomies NEVER remove 100% of the tonsil - there is always some tissue left. So as a method for prevention of ever getting tonsil cancer this doesn't work... they can atually sometimes even grow back to a certain extent. Also I wouoldn't trust a surgeon's eye to determione if the tonsile tissue looked like a typical SCC or not. As you all know, there is no trained eye that can tell you if something is cancer or it is not. That removed tissue should go to a pathologist for histological microscopic exam, which is the gold standard that will give you a black and white answer as to what it is.

Sent from the way out in the middle of nowhere back country of Idaho after a lecture tour in BC Canada and meetings with the BC Cancer Agency by satellite phone hook up....ain't technology amazing.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.