Thank you both for your replies. I live in northern Florida. The reason I am concerned about oral HPV/possible cancer is because the high risk HPV caused cellular changes down there. I had to see a gyn-oncologist. As of now the changes have regressed after intensive therapy and dedication to diet and lifestyle modifications. But I already took/still take great care of myself, so there actually wasn't much I could do/add/subtract. I am concerned that with all this healthy living and precautions HPV still caused cellular changes. I'm one of the rare ones who exhibited symptoms of genital HPV infection (I'll spare you all the details) but because I thought I'd been so cautious with testing, I did not seek medical attention until much later. Oh, I am a non-drinker/non-smoker (well to be fair I smoked 3-4 cigarettes a decade ago while in college as I think most young people do at some point, but I don't think that counts) but the latest literature suggests oncogenic HPV is a lot worse than smoking.

You are right: I was sexually active before the referenced partner so not exactly an innocent 9-year-old girl, but I'm pretty sure based on my prior overall gyn health I'd never been infected before. But I cannot prove it.

I have read pretty extensively about HPV. I understand strains 16, 33, and 18 are most responsible for oral cancers, in that order. I may have more than one oncogenic strain, I have no idea. I just know I have at least one but considering type 16 is the most prevalent type it's a pretty good bet I have or had that one.

I understand my tonsil issues can be attributed to any number of things but given my history I feel this should be investigated. Prevention or at least preemption. Recently, in the last few weeks, my genital herpes has become a real problem. I suffer constant herpetic neuralgia which means my immune system isn't keeping it under control. I have unwittingly overwhelmed my immune system with poor choices in partners and I feel so sad about all this.

Well, thanks for reading and for this valuable service. I'll carry the more identifying details over into PM.

Edit from Brian Hill for future readers. ONLY HPV16 is causing oral cancers. This posters list of HPV's is incorrect. Viruses do not care about diet and lifestyle modifications. You immune system either recognizes them as a threat or it does not, and you cannot at our current level of understanding augment this.

Last edited by Brian Hill; 09-26-2010 10:48 AM.