Reverie, I to have a problem with my tonsil. You described basically what my left tonsil looks like. I noticed it when I got a sore throat about 3 months ago and was treated for strep throat but it never got better. How long has your tonsil been enlarged that you are aware of? You are in good hands on this web-site as I have received great information from some of the most informative and nicest people. I am also new to this site. The information David just presented was amazing. I would also like to know from someone of an update on our young male population in reference to when a shot could be available to them for HPV. I lost my best friend 2 years ago due to HPV. She was 52 years of age, and that was the first time I had ever heard of HVP. More information needs to be out there for the public. I wish you all the best, Angel

Last edited by angels1313; 05-29-2008 06:43 PM.

SCC left tonsil, tonsillectomy with additional tissue removed 06/10/08, a few teeth on top left side removed 09/05/08,recurrence before treatment started at BOT and tonsil area, 35 IMRT treatments began 10/15/08, and Cisplatin IV (began10/16/08) weekly for duration of radiation.