With no visible lesions, a brush biopsy will not help you, and is not a definitive biopsy mechanism anyway. ENT's are trained as surgeons (there are two types, be sure you are seeing one that is a head and neck surgeon since they are accustomed to dealing with head and neck/oral cancers anyway) and if they wanted to biopsy something they could.

Your current doctor, given your description of him, may not be the person you wish to explore this with you, just based on how you describe his knowledge, let alone any conservative nature. You do not say where you are in Florida, but of course there are several competent cancer centers there where you couuld be evaluated, and there is also a dental school which will have an oral medicine specialist on staff (they are seldom in private practice) who could also be a good source for a competent exam and opinion.

Being infected with HPV does not mean that you are infected with one of the versions of it that causes cancers (oncogenic versions) and even if you were, there is no guarantee that you would actually have it progress to the cellular changes that would then lead to a cancer.

As to the vaccine It works the best in pre-sexual young women and boys (off label), and you likely were not a candidate for getting it anyway. You didn't mss the boat here, you probably would not have helped or been available to you. So you have been tested for HPV in one anatomical location of your body, and apparently tested positive for a version (low grade) that only causes warts, and another version (high grade) that has the potential to be oncogenic. This does not mean that more will happen, but you are wise to be prudent. There are several posters here, most likely davidcpa, that will likely reply to you tomorrow that are in Florida, have good connections to competent doctors there, and I hope that they will through a private PM, send you some possible choices of people or places to go to to follow up on your situation. With any luck this will all turn out to be something not dire.

There are many reasons that the tonsils can become inflamed and swollen, and before you make a mental leap to cancer, there are simple tests that the appropriate people will put you through to eliminate all the easy, non malignant reasons.

We are not a judgmental bunch as a rule, and you can discuss openly what you wish here. This crowd has been through some tough stuff, and they wouldn't be here if they didn't wish to help. How someone comes to our disease is not what concerns them... seeing you get through any cancer issues is.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.