Reverie, I ignored my tonsils for 4 months. I first noticed it when I burnt my mouth on hot pizza followed by a gulp of surprisingly hot coffee. I watched and poked it periodically wondering why it wasn't going away...I had family, work, school, Christmas to deal with...and was very surprised when the doctor gave the "you have cancer" message. The good news is, despite an "agressive and invasive" cancer, it did not spread and I consider myself cured. Of course, I can't help but wonder what would have been had I gone to the doctor right away...

My husband and I have been together for 30 years. My gut feeling is I compromised my health when I worked a very stressful 18 months at 70 hour work weeks. The complexing part is except for some dental issues (root canals), I haven't had as much as a cold in 20 years (the age of my son).

SCC, right tonsil, T1N0MO, G3, HPV-33 positive, 7 wks IMRT 2/21/07-4/13/07, 48 year old female when diagnosed, non-smoker, weekend wine drinker, tumor and both tonsils removed. Ethyol for 3 weeks; no peg; only minimal longterm side effects