Hi Jim.

Eh, good and bad news. Tumor is shrinking in throat, which is wonderful that treatments are working but Dad's not doing so great. frown Not getting enough in that dang tube! Nurse told him at radiation today he is getting dehydrated. Lots of phlem too. Went up to see him 3 weeks in a row, skipped last weekend. I needed a break, and Mom said she just wanted to be alone. Wanted to get in her car and go somewhere by herself. Totally understandable. She ended up sitting in her car at the beach listening to music. She said it was the most quiet, tranquil time she has had in months. This has been so hard on her too. This weekend is my 40th birthday, they really want to be here for the big party I am having but can't be. It's hard. I will probably drive up to Los Angeles the following weekend. Thank you for asking, you are so thoughtful.

Jim, I worry about you losing so much weight in such a short amount of time!!! Please take care of yourself, ok? Or we WILL send David over there to whip your booty in shape! HAHA. As always, thinking about you. {{HUGS}}

Dad: Age 65 Heavy smoker/drinker. Biopsy-No surgery. Cancer base of tongue/throat. "Invasive Squamous Carcinoma RRT" --Beginning 1/9/08: IMRT treatments (5X/wk),chemo pills (4/day) and Chemo IV (once/wk) PEG tube inserted 1/25/08. Treatments ended 2/26/08

JUNE 30, 2008 Officially CANCER FREE!!!