
I am going to get a little tough with you as well re: the nutrition and hydration. It is so important and for me, even as a caregiver, keeping up with how much was consumed per day became a great big haze until I started charting it. Just something as simple as a notepad...write down the hour, ounces or cans consumed and water consumed....if you do water (at least 8 oz) with the VHC everytime(and I mean everytime) you won't have to chart the water.

The combination of your treatment and your pain meds will make keeping up with all of this difficult. Please make this a priority - it will make all the difference. I still say you need a caregiver but I understand that is easier said than done.

Hang in there, Deb

Deb..caregiver to husband, age 63 at diagnosis, former smoker who quit in 1997.
DIAGNOSIS: 6/26/07 SCC right tonsil/BOT T4N0M0
TREATMENT START: 8/9/07 cisplatin/taxol X 7..IMRT twice daily X 31.5.
PEG OUT: 1/08
PORT OUT: 4/09
FOLLOWUP: Now only annual exams. ALL CLEAR!

Passed away 1/7/17 RIP Bill