
I tend not to respond much if all I have is "warm fuzzies" to give to other posters instead of practical help, but I can't help but to try and send love and hugs your just have had a really hard road these past months. I try to imagine juggling a young family, a job and hard!

I guess what I want to say is that even those of us who just read and don't respond a lot, care deeply, shed tears, and try to send strength to those that need it the most at that particular time.

My best to you and everyone on this board dealing with almost impossible circumstances. I am listening and I am hoping.....Deb

Deb..caregiver to husband, age 63 at diagnosis, former smoker who quit in 1997.
DIAGNOSIS: 6/26/07 SCC right tonsil/BOT T4N0M0
TREATMENT START: 8/9/07 cisplatin/taxol X 7..IMRT twice daily X 31.5.
PEG OUT: 1/08
PORT OUT: 4/09
FOLLOWUP: Now only annual exams. ALL CLEAR!

Passed away 1/7/17 RIP Bill