My name is Gerry.I am a 2 time tongue cancer survivor and my heart goes way out to you. I know how you are feeling. I had a recurrence this summer. I do not log on too often as I only have computer at work and actually there are several reasons. But, I believe you asked, so I will say with a lot of force behind me.....PLEASE go to a major cancer center before you do anything. We only get 1 tongue and it is small. I love my Doctor because he is conservative. In 2000, when I first got cancer, I saw 4 different h/n cancer docs. Each had a different plan for me. I did not go to the Dr. I liked best. It isn't about that. And it is HARD to pick the right doctor for you. But I do know that the tongue is not worked on a lot, and the dr. must have experience in what he is cutting and a lot of it in oreder to be successful for you. I am a 49 yr. old female who lives in S. Florida and is struggling with the after math of this horrid disease. It has affected every area of my life. Do not get me wrong. I am grateful as heck to have a tongue and to be able to eat and speak although I am limited. W/out a VERY strong FAITH, I would have buckled under the pressure a long long time ago. My heart goes out to you.

gerry f.