Brian - I know you have said this many times. So why do the top rated places like MD Anderson still not recommend radiation and/or chemo? I know I went there wanting the absolute best treatment - I didn't care about the easiest way to get this done and thank goodness I am lucky not to have to worry too much about the cost of travel there. But they said no radiation even when I questioned them. It makes me nervous all the time, and I know I've had this conversation with others on the site.

On another point r/t MDA - what are we going to do about getting ALL their head and neck surgeons and nurses on the OCF bandwagon. I've emailed you about this before. I am willing to help in any way I can - I will be there in a week 1/2 and unfortunately my visit is turning into a longer one than I planned due to some extra tests I need to have - I am willing to do some unofficial surveys and campaigning during all the wait time I will have! Let me know your ideas - you also have my personal email in one I just recently sent you...

Ginny M. SCC of Left lateral tongue Dx 04/06,Surgery MDACC 05/11/06: Partial glossectomy with selective neck dissection. T1N0M0 - no radiation. Phase III clinical trial ("EPOC" trial)04/07 thru 04/08 because tests showed a 65% chance of recurrence. 10 Year Survivor!