Hello everyone.
I spent a lot of time on this forum last Dec and Jan. I had 1/3 of my tongue removed due to squamous cell carcinoma along with neck dissection for checking lymph nodes. they were ok. It has been quite a deal these last 10 months. I thought I was doing so well. I have had a different "spot" on my tongue for the last few months and the dr cut it out last week and the biopsy came back cancer. Just blew me away, although I was very scared that it was going to be bad news. You just get to where you think you know things are different. Of course, everything in my mouth is different now, so who knows. Anyway, I am just in a holding pattern until I see the surgeon next Friday for stitches to be removed and talk more about my options. They recommended in the beginning that at my age, I would be better to keep a real close check on it every month or two,, and hold off on radiation just in case it ever came back and we could do radiation then. The idea was that if I did radiation now and it came back anyway, I would not have radiation as a possiblity again. Have any of you had similar situations as mine? I really like my dr and trust him, but in the back of my mind is this little nagging voice saying maybe I should go to some special oral cancer place and see if their opinion for treatment is the same. The surgeon will give me a lot more to think about Friday and he will bring my case before the "tumor board" for the opinion of several drs also, but I just wonder what everyone thinks that has been through this stuff. It's all just a lot to try to decide isn't it? Any help you can offer will be appreciated.