Hi Miss Vicki
I surely wish that things had gone better for you, I wish I could wave a magic wand and sort it for you.. As you problely have read my husband is blind and so he doesn't do notes, so I have borrowed a laptop and down loaded some free software.. www.readplease.com. just maybe this would help you to feel a bit more in control of at least one part of your life, I don't like ever to lose control of my life so I'm not looking forward to the next few months, and I really admire your fortitude and courage in facing and dealing with all that OC has thrown at you.. Your are in my prayers
Sunshine...love and hugs

SCC Base of tongue, (TISN0M0) laser surgery, 10/01 and 05/03 no clear margins. Radial free flap graft to tonsil pillar, partial glossectomy, left neck dissection 08/04