Sabrina, I am sorry that I sounded like I am in a panic, I am not. I am frustrated, but not in a panic. They have given me sleeping pills, however even with those I am up every two hours. So needless to say I don't take them, I can sleep that long on my own. I have changed doctors. They are in California, these is why I don't think I am getting the attention that I need. My husband and I both have just done everything short of cursing to get these people on the ball. They just keep telling us that I have to be patient, well my patience is running thin. I am bored to tears, and yes I have tons of hobbies, what I want tho is to get better. I am at home everyday, doing nothing to get any better than I already am. I feel like I am all alone in this. I mean that the doctors are not telling me what I need to be doing. I had a problem with the feeding tube. I told all the of my specialists that is it infected and what can I do. They looked at it and said no it wasn't just to keep it clean. Well I already knew to do that. So I went to a doctor that I have known for some time and got a referal to a gastroenterologist, what a long word, anyway, he took one look at it and was very upset that it was that infected. Plus the feeding tube they put in me was for a child. So I had to take anitbotaics to clear up the infection plus put this cream on it, once it was cleared up he then put in a adult size feeding tube. I am just so upset about all this. No I have not considered flying out to another state, my doctors are all ready in another state, plus the money is at this point running thin. As far as a bath or a shower are concerned, cannot take them either. I have to sponge bath, because of my left leg, the feeding tube and the trache. I just needed to talk to someone. I don't want to do anything to hurt what the surgeon has done, so I don't know what exercises I can or cannot do. The speech and swallow were to contact me for over 3 months now. They just keep telling me that I am not ready yet. Well how am I going to get ready if I don't do somthing more than sitting here...So I thank you Sabrina for you taking them time to read my post, however your suggestions I have already done and am doing,,,,THanks Vicki