
I will never forget that as long as I live.
The first time they strapped that mask on me and gave me radiation I cried out loud and actually made them stop. They had to give me a seditive to calm me down. I did get used to it after a while but its kinda like when you first lose your hair. The stark reality that you have cancer is upon you and there is nothing you can do about it.
Good luck, god bless, & FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT.

SCC 1.6cm Right Tonsil 10/3/03, 1 Node 3cm, T1N2AM0, Tonsil Removed, Selective Neck Disection, 4 Wks Induction Chemo (Taxol,Cisplatin), 8 Weeks Chemo/Radiation (5FU,Hydroxyurea,Iressa), IMRT x 40, Treatment Complete 2/13/04.
41 Years Old At Diagnosis