Nicki, all totaled I guess I went through about 110 of those lovely sessions under the mask, counting both occurances. Hate to say it, but one just kind of gets used to it after a while. I either slept or tried to think up orchestrations to the sound the IMRT colimiter leaves were making a they did their thing.

I'm one of those that did this without the PEG, not a big deal the second time around since they only did my neck and I didn't have much pain except for a slightly sore throat for a couple of weeks, but first time around I wound up in the hospital the last week getting fed through IV as they were nuking my tongue as well as neck.

Suggest if they are going anywhere near his mouth he do the PEG, but try and wean himself off as soon as possible.

Good luck to you both, You will find that time passes, things will get better.

SCC Tongue, stage IV diagnosed Sept, 2002, 1st radical neck dissection left side in Sept, followed by RAD/Chemo. Discovered spread to right side nodes March 2003, second radical neck dissection April, followed by more RAD/Chemo.