Thanks Ed for your kinds words. There is no place I would rather be than with my wonderful husband, I just wish he didn't have this road to travel. He does have the PEG, but was very hesitant to use it. He said (before it was placed) that he dreaded that more than the chemo and rdtx.....I'm sure that thought has changed by now.....but he still isn't big on the idea of using it. I finally convinced him last nite to do ao and he had 2 ensure's and some h2o via the tube. I just wish he didn't hate it so much. Do you think others feel that way too??? especially at first. The way I got him to use it was to tell him that if his weight went to low, the docs would admit him. He is so frustrated and discouraged. I'm going to mention an antidepres. rx to the doc tomorrow when we see him. Thanks again Ed, and I'm sure I'll be back on the forum soon!
Michelle G
