I say you are such a complete WINNER! smile

How wonderful to hit that milestone! Congratulations!

That last day of Ed's radiation I damn near hyperventilated from excitement (and terror thinking "now what? What can we do next? Take THAT, cancer!"). I remembre thinking the only thing I could do to be "pro-active" in kicking the ugly cancer butt was be driver to treatment.

shocked Oh! My Ed was the most beautiful I can ever remember, that day...when he came out holding the mask, tears flowing and jaw quivering - the icon of hope to those sitting out in the lobby waiting...

What a miracle that medical technology stuff and talk about loving hearts of the technicians, doctors and nurses! We never met any that were missing the secret ingredient!

I'm so happy for you, it's almost hard to swallow (no pun intended)! :rolleyes:

Secret: We got home and Ed handed it over (almost like saying, you gotta do this because I'm not sure what to do). I gently placed the mask in our closet (high enough that it wouldn't scream at me every day but low enough that I'd see it every once in awhile) so I could remember how important it was to his recovery/treatment and let me remind it that's where it was going to stay - in the closet.

(Uptown's Girl)

Caregiver to Uptown/Ed, SCC Stage IV, Base of tongue - Completed Chemo (Cisplatnin/5FU) and 45 days' simultaneous Radiation 10/08/03