Sabrina, I just wrote you a response that then disappeared just as I was about to post it. This is the first time I have posted to this board. I want to say a hearty congratulations for completing phase 2 of your treatment. Strange, but I think I can picture you--are you the beautiful young blond woman at Mass General who sat with the man with the laptop for radiation at 7:30 each morning? No I am not stalking you.... I was there because my husband, Shel's radiation was just behind you each morning (well, 2 after you), which he also finished today (a course of 33). Double cause for celebration!

I know Shel is looking forward to sharing his radiation story with the rest of you, so I'll leave the details to him. However, I will say that it feels wonderful to have him back home in Vermont--just in time for our younger son, Jordan's, graduation from Middlebury College this weekend. Since we are a local family, we are hosting a party on Saturday for our son, his friends and their guests--a large party, tent and all, for at last count 140 people! This celebration was in the works before Shel got his diagnosis in January, and I am happy that I proceeded anyway. There is a lot to celebrate! The graduation will be particularly moving because Chris and Dana Reves will be the graduation speakers.

Sabrina, I wish you well with your next phase of treatment, and I look forward to hearing how it goes.

Cornwall, Vermont