Hot Diggity! It was a regular giggle fest. Like Bob, when I read posts now (mostly I read and have shied away from posting) I hear everyone's voice and see the twinkle in their eye. I can't even tell you how special ALL of you folks are, tender hearted warriors.

I just want to SQUEEZE everyone and listen, just listen. Listen to their stories, listen to their hopes, fears, dreams, successes...

Danny Boy (Marcee and kiddos) - you are bigger than life and so dear. My heart swells when I think of you.

Miss Rosie (and hubby) - your gentleness and kindness is astounding.

Brian (and Ingrid) - Thank you SO much for working hard (and supporting each other) to establish a safe place for people who experience "It". A place to cry, laugh, greave, sound-off... I can hardly wait to hear how things went in Washington!

Kim (and Dave) - I had such a lovely Saturday wandering and shopping and eating and - you both make such a difference in this awful fight. I'd love to read your disertations.

Gary (and Leah) - I wish we spent more time together. I'm still jealous that you had enough forethought to plan for Cirque de'Sole! You're both gentle spirits.

Lorie (and Don) - I'm SO glad I got to meet you, too. We didn't have much time to spend together either but you make my heart rejoice. Don, you and Ed have so much in common regarding your treatments.

Kris (and hubby - AKA Hugh Downs smile ) - Thank you for your kindess and company. You never seemed to be strangers and that's a gift. Thanks for being so warm.

Bob - BIG hugs to you for such a FINE job planning and "workin' it" with Mr. Imperial Palace. Gotta admit, just before we left for the airport I printed some stuff on the hotel and looked at Ed in horror (it was written prior to the remodel). It was just fine and dandy! I wish we could have met your other half and hopefully everything will work out well for our next jaunt. We missed her.

Mark - You, too are a gentle spirit (and quite chivalrous when Ed disappeared - under the guise that he was winnin' some dough, which by the way he's right - it did take me more to get $9 less than him). Get a more current picture of your kids, okay? Anxious to meet YOUR other half, too. There were some issues with Vegas. I just wanted to wrestle a few of those menthol smokers to the ground and take a puff... I resisted and am still smoke free... ARGH!

Judy - My fellow Michigander - er, goose! I'm excited to have the chance to meet you, too. I feel like a stooge - I don't remember your hubby. Please ask him to forgive me. Remind me. Was my iced tea so strong that it made me say/do silly things? :p

Sheldon - You are a hoot. That's a compliment. I so enjoyed chatting with you, too. Did anyone ever tell you you looked like Peter Boyle? So close to end of treatment and you look MARVELOUS! I hope you continue to thrive/heal so quickly.

Eileen (and Charlie) - I could just SQUEEZE you, too. Hope your very long trek home was not too tiring. I promise to work diligently to post more. I never really though about how tough it was for Charlie being all alone with out a support group when he was working hard to care for you and be strong. You are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing. I hope we can find a prothedontist that will do such fine work for Ed.

To everyone else we met (through Danny's book) - it was heart warming to see you and your families. We all look forward to meeting you face to face, growing to love you more as we learn more, trust each more and support each other. We have to band together and encourage each other when fighting the battle called cancer.

God Bless you and thank you for what you give to me and off of us.

Susan (Uptown Girl)
(forgive any incoherent spelling errors or incomplete sentences - I hope you know what I mean in my heart)

Caregiver to Uptown/Ed, SCC Stage IV, Base of tongue - Completed Chemo (Cisplatnin/5FU) and 45 days' simultaneous Radiation 10/08/03