Eve, I am jumping in here late, but let me put in one more plug for the Fentanyl patches. I took nothing until my neck was raw hamburger. When my stubborness sent me into shock, I relented. Those patches are a miracle, plain and simple. I had no addiction, no withdrawal problems, and if constipation was an issue, I don't remember. I know I put fruit juice down the PEG, so maybe that took care of it. At any rate, your dad has absolutely nothing to lose by trying the patch. Morphine does a number on so many people that I didn't even try it. My vote goes for the patches and if I ever have serious pain again, you can bet I will demand them. Please tell him from me, a former patient, that I didn't know how bad I was hurting until it stopped. I am probably the most anti-medication person you will ever hear from, but Fentanyl patches saved my sanity.