hello Eve,
just remember the darkest hour is just before dawn, my last week of radiation and the following 2-3 weeks I was miserable and was a bitch to my family and all the were doing was trying to help and comfort me, all this during christmas week. He should try to use his peg , although I slacked off at this time also. gradually I came around and started feeling better and trying to eat a little more daily, increasing my food intake, then had surgery on january 11 and felt that was another set back, finally about two weeks ago I had my peg tube removed and can eat most things now, my taste has returned about 75%, I still have some difficulty swallowing and have to cut my food into very small bite size pieces, and still cannot eat some things, pork, chiken, beans and bread they are all to dry, and I go to bed with a bottle of water every night, that being said I am improving every day and so will your dad, just keep encouraging him, and never forget to tell him how much you love him, and understand he needs a bit of space to be bitchy because in the end he must close his eyes every night with his thoughts and it can be a living hell, he needs to read and participate in this form, this place really got me over the hump and it was a god send to have found this place, I have passed this sites info on to all of my doctors to pass on to future patients, your da needs to be here it will work wonders for his recovery. Hang in there my dear Eve, thing s have a way of working out even with this dreaded illness.
always lenny