Thank you Rosie for the reply. Both the Oncologist and the ENT said it's either a radiation sore or it's possible that it's cancer again. At this point though, it's too early to run tests. He goes back to the ENT on April 7th. The ENT said if it is a radiation sore, it'll be gone by then. My husband refuses to look in his mouth to check it and won't let me look at it either because he doesn't want to think about it until he goes back to the ENT.

It's been 2 months now since his Radiation treatment ended. The ENT said the good news is that the Radiation stays in your system longer than the treatments so if it is cancer, the Radiation should be fighting it.

Needless to say, I'm still on pins & needles until he goes back. He feels progressively worse each day rather than feeling better. My husband is a 36 year old very healthy otherwise, strong man. It kills me to see him in this condition!

I will let you know what happens at the ENT. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. God I hope it's just a Radiation sore!!!
