Hi Reen. I know you post is several months old but I wanted to check in on you to see how you and your sister is doing.

My husband was diagnosed with tongue cancer in October, 2002. He has had the same treatment that your sister has except they only removed 1/2 of his tongue and did not rebuild it. It has been 1 month since his last radiation treatment and last night he found what appears to be cancer coming through farther back on his tongue than they operated on. He is 36 years old. I am very scared. He just went to the Dr. on Friday and he didn't see it-I'm so upset!!!

I can't sleep, can't eat. They've already told us if it comes back that they're not really any effective treatment options available. I am trying to convince myself that it's something else not the cancer but, throughout the surgery, radiation treatment and recovery, he hasn't felt any better-just worse.

Well anyways, good or bad I wanted to check in on you. My husband is calling the Rad Onc first thing Monday morning to have him take a look at it.

Take care,
Judy B