Hello Reen,
I agree with JudyB. I'm sure everyone would appreciate an update on your sister. And we're all hoping it is a good one. More than one person has beat the odds and proven the docs wrong.


Please don't panic. If he was just seen by the dr. on Fri, it is probably not cancer that your husband is seeing in his mouth now. After only 1 month out from RAD, it could simply be a mouth sore from the radiation. Or it could be an infection, possibly candida.

About your husband not feeling well yet, it usually takes longer than a month to feel good. Radiation is very toxic to one's body. It takes a lot of healing. Generally, it takes about 1 month for each week of RAD. So, 6 weeks of radiation treatments equals 6 months of recovery time. That doesn't mean he won't start to feel better soon, but there will probably be more bad days than good for awhile yet.

My daughter is more than 2 months out from her last RAD treatment and she still is experiencing problems and feeling pretty bad. Her surgeon, however, says she is doing fine. It just takes time, and it takes longer for some than for others.

Good luck with the appt. And be sure to update us. smile

Was primary caregiver to my daughter Heather who had stage IV base of tongue SCC w/ primary recurrence. Original diagnosis August 21st, 2002. Primary recurrence March 18th, 2003. Died October 6th, 2003.