The cotton rolls are not perfect...but trust me they seem to help.
Tell Keith that doing a PEG isn't that if the Dr. prescribes it the insurance co. may pick it all up. I'm feeding 3 times a day, 1 560 cal. for lunch ( at work with a syringe) 2 450 cal. at 7p.m., then I set up my pump with 3 450 cal cans to run while I sleep. which gets me over 2500 Cal a day....I hate it, I'm a real deal foodie, but it keeps me healthy and helps my body fight the good fight.
Best wishes,

Stage 4b BOT and node on right of throat. did 38 trips of TOMO PEG tube,Cysplatin,Taxotere & 5fu 1st 4th and 7th week, changed to Erbitux for the last 4 weeks. 1st PETS since end of TX..CLEAR 6mos out and 2 nodes are hot. Bilateral neck dissection on 10/31/08. Clear Scan 3/31/09 & 8/02/2010